Jan 19, 2016

"Kinetic Weave" by William Hunter!

Here's a description of this piece from Bill's website (hunter-studios.com): "William Hunter... create[s] precision vessels whose exterior surfaces have been disc-cut to create openings for the penetration of light. Their delicately turned exterior traceries illuminate our understanding of the ever-changing relationships between inside and outside, front and back, dark and light, solid and void. Hunter's exquisite [pieces] ...are tours de force of technical virtuosity. According to Hunter, "The sensuality of the wood's colors, patterns, and textures speak of timeless universal rhythms which repeat in all of nature." ...the lush, beautifully finished wood provides a sensual and compelling complement to the curvilinear structure which resembles a DNA helix.

Speaking of the regenerative effect of the creative process, he states, "These pieces as art objects represent a microcosm of the universe and their purpose in my life is fundamentally meditative. Being able to devote time, emotion, intellect and physical energy to the successful completion of a single piece is like rebirth each time." As we move around Hunter's [work] ...we see in and through them, discovering with amazement the rich and complex interplay of shifting patterns and shadows".

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