Nov 20, 2008

Alert! Alert! Piece of Pommele Cocobolo Found!

Remember these Guys???
We found a half dozen pieces of the most highly figured Pommele figure we had ever seen in Cocobolo in our last load.
The pieces sold almost immediatly but we figured there had to be more from the same log somewhere amongst the rest of the 5000 BF of stock that we recieved.

After pulling apart a couple pallet loads and not coming across any we began to think maybe that was the last of that crazy looking Cocobolo until...

We found this guy today!

2"x2"x48" Turning Square of the same stuff.

Its hard to show the amazing figure in pictures since it not very wide, but hopefully they give you an idea.

Give us call if you want this guy.

We'll post again if we come across more...

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