Jan 2, 2012

We are back from the holiday break & the shop is now open...

Just a quick reminder that we have reopened the shop and will be responding to everyone who contacted us during the break as soon as possible.

On a side note:

We are happy to announce that we have taken over the unit next to our current location which will allow us to nearly double our inventory of exotic species from around the world!
We have been busy working during the holiday break installing new lumber racks and moving around stock...

Below are some before and after pictures of the new space. We can't wait to fill it up with slabs, lumber and other neat pieces of wood!

Here is a picture of our new space before the break and after we installed the new lumber racks:

The south wall is going to be our new "Slabs Area" where we will be displaying our large inventory of tabletop slabs.
This wall is well over 100 feet in length, can you imagine how many slabs we will be able to fit?!

Speaking of tabletop slabs, here is a picture of about 10 new Parota slabs we received before the break. We will be adding them to our website shortly so make sure to click here to sign up for our newsletter to receive an update once they have been posted.

It should be an exciting upcoming year here at Tropical Exotic Hardwoods!

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