
Oct 7, 2010

Kingwood logs-Great Material at a Great Price!

Mexican Kingwood is a tight grained rosewood that is prized in smaller high end projects such as billiard cues, pens, jewelry and ornamental turning.

Also known as "camatillo", Mexican Kingwood has a deep purple hue to it's heartwood that keeps it's color well as it oxidizes over time.

Many wood suppliers only sell pre-cut squares in standard sizes at inflated prices that well exceed $50-$75/BF!

Over the years we have come to realize that different projects require different sized blanks and sometimes standard sizes just don't work.

As a result, we give all our clients the option to purchase the full uncut logs (such as the ones pictured above) at a realistic price of $24.50/BF.

This way they can mill what they want and minimize their waste while still lowering their overall cost.

At $24.50 we are still making a profit and our clients are getting a high end rosewood at under $30/BF- not a bad deal!

Just a few calculated measurements and some careful cuts on a bandsaw and you will be amazed by the amount of material each log will yield. Obviously there is some drop involved with milling a full log but at $24.50/BF it just makes sense to purchase it this way if you have the ability to mill it yourself.

Give us a call or drop by the shop if you want to dig out a log that may work for you.

It is a pretty neat species that comes direct from our own sawmill in Mexico, so your purchasing direct from the source!


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