
Jul 29, 2010

Rose Myrtle-Before and After

Rose Myrtle is an amazing wood from Tasmania off the south coast of Australia.

A relatively dense wood, Rose Myrtle is known to have figure that can range from tight curl to an almost quilt-like appearance.

Rose Myrtle burls
are also highly prized by wood turners and are available in a variety of dimensions here at our shop.

(Rose Myrtle Slabs unsurfaced)

In our last batch of Rose Myrtle, we received a handful of curved slabs that came off a choice section of a log.

Perfectly shaped for a small dining table or desk, these slabs have some amazing curly figure.

As noted by numerous clients, the curly figure closely resembles a rising sun and really starts do its thing once sanded and oiled.

(Same Rose Myrtle Slabs sprayed with liquid to show figure)

Here we see Tassajara Designs use one of these amazing slabs to construct one of their Conoid chairs.

Tassajara did a great job of selecting the best section of the slab for the seat panel and using the rest for the other components of the chair.

(Rose Myrtle and Swiss Pear Conoid chair by Tassajara)

(Just look at the figure/color!)

Each angle of the Conoid chair reveals another beautiful aspect of these Rose Myrtle Slabs-

Curly, quilt, spalt, tight contrasting grain-these Rose Myrtle slabs have at all!

Here is another Rose Myrtle slab from the same batch which is being used to construct a counter by Jeff Nilson of Nilson Winter Construction.

Using the entire slab is fairly impressive and and is just mesmerizing with all the detailed figure.

(Rose Myrtle countertop)

(Birds Eye Maple)

On a side note- Jeff selected some choice birds eye maple from our shop for the cabinets that follow the natural curve of the Rose Myrtle slab.

The handles are made from scrap pieces off of the Rose Myrtle slab.

If you like what you see, we still have some amazing Rose Myrtle slabs in stock in a variety of dimensions.

To learn more about the work of the the two woodworkers mentioned above, please click on their respective links:

Tassajara Designs

Nilson Winter Construction

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