
Aug 19, 2009

Primavera Closeups

Primavera workability is exceptional. It works easily with hand tools, holds nails and screws well, and glues without difficulty. Primavera can be stained and polished to a very good finish.

The heartwood is cream colored, sometimes yellow white to light brown, and often difficult to distinguish from the sapwood. Primavera’s grain is straight to interlocked and wavy. Quartered surfaces often offer a striped figure.

With an oil finish the color comes out and the patina just gets stronger with age

(these cabinets were finished in 1995, only two coats of oil-Look at that color!)

(Primavera only gets better with age)

(known as "blond mahogany")

Looking at Primavera in the rough does not do it justice.
Many people think its just maple
It is a gorgeous wood that only comes alive once you start to sand it correctly.

Here are some closeup shots of pieces of Primavera that have been through a wide belt sander* for a customer of ours.

No finish yet but you can definitely see the incredible figure.
With an oil finish the color comes out and the patina just gets stronger with age

*please keep in mind this with only a 60 grit belt, so you can imagine how that figure is going to only get stronger once get up to 220, 320, etc.


Once the first coat of oil is applied,
the true beauty of Primavera becomes visible

(sprayed with bit of denatured alcohol to show figure)

Above is a good indication of what most Primavera looks like:

-Gorgeous Mahogany-like figure with hints of bee's wing/ribbon figure.

-You can see the deep amber hue that gives it the name "White Mahogany"

-That color will get stronger with age (see top photos of cabinets)

(sprayed with bit of denatured alcohol to show figure)

On some sections of the slabs the figure gets really neat and almost resembles African Wild Olive

Its also a great wood turning wood as you can see by this bowl.

The following two pictures are shots of very highly figured pieces of Primavera which are not common in large pieces.

They do however show types of figure that can be found within sections of a large Slabs, but definitely not throughout the entire piece.

We just want to clarify that.


Occasionally you'll get small sections with these great contrasting dark red and brown streak (see photo above,. This particular section had really tight curl ,which is rare, but you get the picture)

We have had some people refer to it as almost a blond Macassar figure.

We wouldn't go as far as that, but it definitely looks good!

Here is a Primavera Crotch that is a good indication of the the range of colors in this wood.

The Bee's wing figure is very tight on this piece since its a crotch piece, but even regular slabs tend to have a little bit here and there which makes for an interesting piece of wood once finished.

Feel free to call us if you have any questions

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